153 lines
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153 lines
4.9 KiB
# A Bash script ofr installing all my openSUSE tools
echo "This script will reconfigure your system and install multiple applications and dependencies."
echo "You probably don't want this unless you're me!"
echo "Press Ctrl-C to cancel or Enter to continue."
sudo echo "Starting setup..."
# Set hostname
echo "Setting hostname..."
echo -n "Enter your desired hostname and press [ENTER]: "
sudo hostnamectl set-hostname $PICKED_HOSTNAME
echo "Your hostname is now \"$(hostname)\""
# Git
sudo zypper --non-interactive install git
# Git Settings
echo -n "Enter your GIT name: "; read GIT_NAME
echo -n "Enter your GIT email: "; read GIT_EMAIL
git config --global user.name "$GIT_NAME"
git config --global user.email "$GIT_EMAIL"
# Make sure we're up to date
echo "Updating system..."
sudo zypper --non-interactive update
sudo zyppper --non-interactive dup
# NVIDIA Drivers
echo "Installing proprietary NVIDIA drivers..."
sudo zypper --non-interactive install openSUSE-repos-Tumbleweed-NVIDIA
sudo zupper --non-interactive install-new-recommends --repo repo-non-free
# NVIDIA Settings
echo "Installing NVIDIA settings..."
sudo zypper --non-interactive install nvidia-utils*
# Media Codecs
# Nothing to do
# Language, Time & Date
# Sets system to English, currency, dates etc. to Swedish
echo "Setting system language to English and region to Sweden..."
# Theme
echo ""
echo "Installing Dracula theme..."
sudo git clone https://github.com/dracula/gtk.git /usr/share/themes/Dracula
# Force dark mode in GNOME
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface color-scheme 'prefer-dark'
# Icons
git clone https://github.com/vinceliuice/vimix-icon-theme.git ~/vimix && cd ~/vimix && sudo ./install.sh -a && rm -rf ~/vimix`
# Font Manager
sudo zypper --non-interactive install font-manager && sudo zypper --non-interactive remove gnome-font-viewer
# Nerd Fonts
# Hack
curl -fLo font.tar.xz \
https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest/download/Hack.tar.xz && \
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/Hack && sudo tar -xf font.tar.xz -C /usr/share/fonts/Hack && \
rm -f font.tar.xz`
# Segoe UI
curl -fLo font.zip \
https://aka.ms/SegoeUIVariable && \
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/SegoeUI && sudo unzip -o font.zip -d /usr/share/fonts/SegoeUI && \
rm -f font.zip
# FiraCode
curl -fLo font.tar.xz \
https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest/download/FiraCode.tar.xz && \
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/FiraCode && sudo tar -xf font.tar.xz -C /usr/share/fonts/FiraCode && \
rm -f font.tar.xz
# Cascadia Cove/Code
curl -fLo font.tar.xz \
https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest/download/CascadiaCode.tar.xz && \
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/CascadiaCove && sudo tar -xf font.tar.xz -C /usr/share/fonts/CascadiaCove && \
rm -f font.tar.xz
# JetBrainsMono
curl -fLo font.tar.xz \
https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest/download/JetBrainsMono.tar.xz && \
sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/fonts/JetBrainsMono && sudo tar -xf font.tar.xz -C /usr/share/fonts/JetBrainsMono && \
rm -f font.tar.xz
# GNOME Accessibility
sudo zypper --non-interactive install at-spi2-core
# Wine
sudo zypper --non-interactive install -l wine wine-gecko wine-mono dosbox winetricks
wine start cmd /c exit
# Wine Associations
echo -e "\n\n[Default Applications]\napplication/x-ms-dos-executable=wine.desktop;\napplication/vnd.microsoft.portable-executable=wine.desktop;\napplication/x-msdownload=wine.desktop;" >> "$HOME/.config/mimeapps.list"
# Thunderbird
sudo zypper --non-interactive install thunderbird
# Vim
sudo zypper --non-interactive install vim gvim
mkdir -p ~/.vim
touch ~/.vim/vimrc
# Albert
sudo zypper --non-interactive addrepo --refresh https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:manuelschneid3r/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/home:manuelschneid3r.repo
sudo zypper --non-interactive install albert
# Albert Autostart
mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart
cat <<EOF > ~/.config/autostart/albert.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
# Alacritty
sudo zypper --non-interactive install alacritty
# Bitwarden
sudo zypper --non-interactive install bitwarden
# Telegram
curl -o "$HOME/Downloads/telegram.tar.xz" https://telegram.org/dl/desktop/linux -L
sudo tar -xf "$HOME/Downloads/telegram.tar.xz" -C "/opt"
rm "$HOME/Downloads/telegram.tar.xz"
sudo ln -s "/opt/Telegram/Telegram" "/usr/bin/telegram-desktop"
# Start Telegram to get a .desktop file, then close it
telegram-desktop -startintray &
sleep 5
killall telegram-desktop
# Steam
sudo zypper --non-interactive install -l steam